Wednesday 29 April 2009

And I'll Return to You at Break of Light, For the Wanting Comes in Waves.

Dear Asylum, you drain me. Just being there for an hour completely sucked all the energy I had last night. I felt physically and mentally exhausted when I got home, and then I was plagued by nightmares about you when I slept.

I'm still intrigued by you though. Worry not, I will return. Tomorrow in act. But for today, I present to you, a small section of the main building.


You should always start with a corridor. This corridor was full of isolation rooms. It's a sad thought. I hope they could see the sun..


Creepy hand through a creepy door. It dawned on me last night that Adam had to shut himself in a cupboard while I took that picture... He's much braver than me, and deserves credit for it.


I had a bit of a dogma moment when I saw this...


They're starting to rip the place apart to find things that can be sold. There are keyholes and screws everywhere, just lying about.


There are gorgeous leather couches sitting around. In my head, I like to imagine that patients would lie on those coaches are talk about their problems. They probably didn't though, they were probably for the staff. They'll sell for big bucks though, I'm positive.


Another toilet. This is completely surreal though, in that there are no other toilet, or any other rooms for that matter, with paintings on the walls.


Every so often, you'll crop across odd patches of wallpaper that's been stripped. There's no rhyme or reason to them, no logic...


This said.. There are some amazin' racin' rooms with fabulous 60/70's wallpaper that I'm digging on.


Some of the interiors are beautiful. They confuse me though, It flits between stark and grim, to grandiose and colourful.


The windows are somewhat dominating.. Even during daytime, the building is so dark..


I want this telephone.. Maybe not this exact telephone. But a telephone very similar to that one.


Explosives... Not at all worrying. Or Concerning. It's all good.


Vines are growing through the windows. It's beautiful and makes me think of Poison Ivy. Any excuse to think of Batman Characters in an ASYLUM is welcome. It's like being in an awesome comic book!


How beautiful is this picture. I'm not one for boasting normally, but this picture is just a little bit gorgeous... At least in my head.

I have no narrative to this. I'm too tired. I might revisit this post and try an sequence the photos to tell a story.. But at the same time, the way I shot them had no story. When the project has finished, I'll post a proper story and all the pictures will make sense. Till then, I'm afraid it's probably going to be somewhat mishmashed.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Do You Believe What You're Saying, Yeah Right Now, But Not That Often

I went to Ireland. In Ireland, about 10 minutes walk from our house, there are 3 half built houses. The houses have been abandoned, and probably won't be finished for a long long time. The builder ran out of money, and nobody wants to buy half finished houses. It's odd to look at though, and kind of sad. I thought only old well used abandoned houses would have any kind of character, but hopefully these photos provide an interesting contrast to the asylum.


The garage with no roof.


The fireplace.


The chimbley.


The view from a glass-less window.


The neighbours.


The view through two windows.


The windows I don't really understand the point of.


The maze.


The split between two rooms.


The paper on string conundrum. No, I don't know why it was there either..